Wednesday, July 23, 2014

36 weeks

36 weeks

160 pounds

Ugh... I feel like shit all of a sudden. Just kidding! I actually still feel pretty awesome. I'm not too tired. Getting through the day isn't a chore. I think I still have lots of energy! I last pain free for about 5 days after my chiro adjustments. I can't complain about that. 

I'm not sleeping as well as I was before. It's been pretty hard to fall asleep lately even though I'm very tired at night. When I am asleep, it's kind of fitful the first couple hours and I'm up to pee at least twice. I get my best sleep in the morning hours. I'd like to sleep in until 9 everyday, but that's not an option, so I do fine waking up at 7.

Still no swelling. It's been hotter than hell the last couple days with heat indexes in the 100s. We stayed inside Monday, but had to venture out in it a few times yesterday and it wasn't that bad since we were just in and out of the car. I'm still wearing my wedding rings :) 

I had a midwife appointment yesterday and that went well. I didn't ask what my blood pressure was, but it couldn't have been high or she would have said something. I go back in a week anyway, so I'll just find out then. Baby is still head down! My fundal height is right on track. I had a pelvic exam and Sheryl asked if Stella was born early. I told her that she was 2 weeks early. She said, "Looks like this guy might decide to do the same. I can tell by looking that you're dilated a little already." I was going to decline a cervical check, but since she was down there already I figured what the hell. She said very surely that I am 2 cm and my cervix is soft. Of course, that's not uncommon since this is my second baby, but it's still a little alarming! I was mentally prepared for her to tell me I'm still locked up like Fort Knox down there. I'll be elated with whenever he decides to come because he'll be ready, but I don't want him to come early! I want to be pregnant longer this time! Who knows, maybe I'll walk around continuing to dilate for 6 more weeks and he'll be late. That would make for an easy delivery! I'm an incredibly impatient person. I think I've been very good at suppressing that this entire pregnancy. The not knowing right now is driving me up the wall though! I'm not on the edge of my seat yet, but once 38 weeks is here I'm going to assume I'm having a baby anytime.

I can definitely tell baby doesn't have as much extra room as he did before. His movements are a lot more noticeable and it just feels like he's more confined. He's very much on a schedule. I haven't noted times during the day, but it seems like every night between 10:30 and 11 he wakes up and starts dancing around for at least a couple hours. I told Erik we're going to have a night owl on our hands just like his mama.


Baby is the size of a honeydew

17.2 - 18.7 inches

4.2 - 5.8 pounds

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