Wednesday, June 18, 2014

31 weeks

31 weeks

157 pounds

Belly is 39 inches around. I don't feel that big!!! 

Haven't been feeling so hot the last almost a week now. I've been battling a terrible cold that I think I'm just starting to get over. I feel like it shows in the picture :( I was miserably stuffy for 4 nights and a cough started 2 days in and that all just sucks. As long as I'm better before the weekend I'll be happy because we're going camping again! 

Despite the cold, I still feel pretty good during the day. Monday I walked 2 miles and yesterday we were outside at the park from 10 to 2. That was a fun time. Stella was so worn out that she fell asleep in the car and napped for 2 hours! It was nice for me at the time, but it made for a late night up and a cranky morning from her and I'm exhausted today.

Now that I can mostly breathe normally sleeping is very fine. I'm not waking up in the night tossing and turning yet. I'm staying comfortable for the most part.

Even though I've been up and moving around non stop, baby has been transverse the entire last week. It's been incredibly uncomfortable and is starting to make me nervous just a little bit. I know he still has plenty of time and I need to stop worrying. I just don't want him to get too comfortable and decide not to turn. If baby does end up breech I would have to deliver in the hospital and I do know that there is one doctor that will deliver a breech baby and I'd 100% rather do that than have a c-section. It would be a matter of him being on call that day though, I think. Oh well, I shouldn't even be thinking about it right now. 


Baby is the size of a pineapple. 

15.2 - 16.7 inches

2.5 - 3.8 pounds

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