Wednesday, June 4, 2014

29 weeks

29 weeks

154 pounds

I'm still feeling pretty good, but I'm starting to wear out just a bit more lately. Maybe it's because the two nights before last I couldn't fall asleep and then didn't sleep worth a crap. I made sure to rest extra during the day after those nights. Last night we went to bed around 9:45 and I passed out. I still feel wiped out this morning though. It'll just be Stella and me tomorrow so I see lots of snuggle time and movies on our agenda. 

I had a prenatal appointment yesterday and that went well. Sheryl is very happy with how everything is progressing. My uterus is measuring right where it should be. She's happy with my weight gain. My blood pressure was a teeny bit higher than it has been before (130/76 .. it's usually closer to 100 or 110/70-ish), but Stella was being kind of a pain while we were there and I was trying to wrangle Calvin on my lap while I was on the exam table. It's still not too high of a reading and she didn't say anything about it. In regard to blood pressure, I've been feeling very normal. Looking back on Stella's pregnancy when I was actually having blood pressure problems I don't feel anything like I did with her. The way my body feels when my BP is high is very distinct. I'm glad to know what it feels like so I can watch for it. I highly doubt though, that I'll have problems again. I did my glucose tolerance test yesterday. I had forgotten how nasty that orange drink is. I got my blood drawn and Sheryl told me I wouldn't hear from her unless I didn't pass. After answering some gestational diabetes risk factor questions she said she's not expecting to be giving me a call.

Baby's still got plenty of swimming room in there. Movements are still all over the place. Very briefly last week it went head down after making me very uncomfortable with it being oblique or transverse. Baby had been jamming its head into my left hip and its butt out the top of the right side of my belly. Of course, it went right back into its comfy oblique position. Oh well, baby will get its head down and in position soon enough. I'm just glad it hasn't been head up at any time. 


Baby is the size of an acorn squash

15.2 to 16.7 inches 

2.5 to 3.8 pounds 

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