Wednesday, June 11, 2014

30 weeks

30 weeks

156 pounds

Oh hello weight gain. I'd been wondering when you'd show up ;)

I still feel awesome. I'm staying active chasing Stella around, keeping up on house work, and going for walks at least 3 times a week. I wish we went every day, but it just doesn't always work out. Even though I'm still moving around, my body is weak. My arms are weak, my legs are weak, I'm sure my core is weak from not actually exercising. I hate it. Going up the stairs makes my legs burn sometimes. I tell myself I should just climb the stairs 10 times in a row a couple times a day and I'd be in shape in no time. I'm worried about my endurance for while I'm in labor. While I know I should have thought about this a long time ago and started something, I don't think 10 weeks to go is too late.

Sleep is still great. I'm still waking up on my back a lot. It's not uncomfortable (or impossible) yet. I suppose when it is I won't just automatically flip there in my sleep.

I went to the chiropractor yesterday and she did more work on me than she ever has at one time! I was super out of whack and I'd been feeling it. It has always been painful to lie on my back on a hard floor with my legs extended, but it started becoming painful for my sacrum to lie like that in bed. Lying on her special pregnant belly nest on the adjustment table even hurt my sacrum. She adjusted my pelvis two different ways and they both hurt, but felt so good. I've been sitting terribly, too. I've always sat with my left leg tucked up under my butt or just folded with my foot resting on the inside of my right thigh. It's comfortable, but I know it's terrible for my hips. I told her I'd been sitting like that a lot and she said she could definitely tell by the way my psoas muscle was tight on the left. She worked that out and it HURT! Baby is still primarily oblique/transverse with his head on my left side. She said my left round ligament has been consistently tight at every adjustment so we Webster techniqued that. I already feel better today. I'm so glad I'm going every other week now :) 

Baby has started getting his feet up under my ribs a little bit when I don't give him enough space. I'm still getting lots of movement from him. I felt hiccups again the other day! I'm still working on doing (most of) mSpinning Babies moves to encourage this kid to get in position. I'm not worried about him being breech, but I am worried that he'll be facing my side (instead of my back) again like Stella was. I don't want to experience back labor again! 


Baby is the size of a cucumber! (Stella's favorite veggie!)

15.2 - 16.7 inches

2.5 - 3.8 pounds

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