Wednesday, March 12, 2014

17 week update

17 weeks

140 pounds 

Back to eating like normal again. As a matter of fact, I feel pretty normal :) 

Sleep has been pretty good. DST is really throwing me off though. I don't get tired until really late and then I'm exhausted in the morning. I need to make myself get back on a schedule and go to sleep when Erik does instead of sitting awake in bed doing crafts.

Baby Goose was kicking up a storm a little while ago. It was awesome. The movements still don't really feel like kicks yet, but it sure is neat. Despite my growing belly, seeing baby on the ultrasound, listening to the heartbeat almost daily, and FEELING it move inside me, it's still not real to me that I'm having a second baby. Stella's pregnancy was 'real' nearly immediately, but this one is different. It's not that I don't feel connected, because I very much do, but it's still very dreamlike :) 

I had a midwife appointment yesterday. I brought up my minimal weight gain, because by this time with Stella I'd gained at least 10-12 pounds. She let me know that I'm right on target. Baby is only a few ounces so the gain can't really come from there. I joked that it's probably coming from my boobs. She agreed that it's probably boobs and extra blood. *mind eased*
Baby's heartbeat pops up immediately when she puts the doppler on my belly these days. She said it sounded lovely.
She also said my uterus feels perfect in size :) It's so crazy to see a big bulge in my stomach when I lay on my back now! 

Baby must have been toward my back in my picture last week because I look really small. It makes this week look huge. I still don't look super pregnant with my shirt down.

Baby is the size of an onion this week.

~5.1 inches

5.9 ounces

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