Wednesday, May 21, 2014

27 weeks - Hello, 3rd trimester!

27 weeks

154 pounds

Belly is 37.5 inches around

I didn't even realize it was a new week yesterday until the evening. I thought, "Holy crap! Another week has gone by already?!" This is simply going way too fast.

I'm just getting over some really crappy allergies. Last night was the first night I slept in peace and was able to breathe. The previous two nights were horrible

It was HOT yesterday! It wasn't unbearable to be outside (if I thought it was the next few months are going to be looong ones), but I had the house open in the morning and all the humidity got in. I ended up having to turn the air on because it was disgusting in my house. Since our bedroom is never affected by the fact that the heat or air is on it hadn't cooled off in there at all. I talked Erik into putting in our window unit and we slept like baby polar bears all night long! It was fantastic.

I'm still hanging on to all the energy I've got. I'm hoping it doesn't go away too quickly now that I'm in the home stretch of the last trimester. I'm still staying pretty comfortable even though by the end of the day I feel like my belly has doubled in size. I'm not used to eating smaller portions more frequently yet, so I've been overeating at meals (even though I'm eating normal sized portions) and making myself miserable. I need to quit it.


Baby is the size of a rutabaga.

13.6 - 14.8 inches

1.5 - 2.5 pounds

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