Wednesday, January 8, 2014

8 weeks

Update time! 
I forgot to take a picture yesterday, but I don't look any different anyway.

8 weeks

136 pounds

Eating habits haven't really changed. I still can't stand meat. Mostly all I want are fruit and vegetables. I made some monkey bread the other day. That was almost the worst idea I've ever had. I ate so much of that buttery, brown sugary, bready goodness. I felt like a cow. 

Nausea is still hit and miss. I haven't thrown up in a while.

My nipple sensitivity is still there, but not as much. So nursing is going much better. I've finally night weaned Stella! She still wakes up, but she just comes in our room and snuggles us and falls asleep. It's awesome and I'm fine with it. I actually love her in our bed. 

I had an appointment with Sheryl yesterday. Appointments aren't exciting yet, although she did try to hear the heartbeat. She's heard a couple babies as soon as 7w5d. She assured me not to be nervous if we didn't hear it because it is still very early. Of course, we didn't hear anything.

I still feel like baby is a girl. I don't know if I actually feel like baby is a girl, or if I feel like that because having a girl is what I'm used to. Either way, Stella and I refer to baby Goose as female.

Baby is the size of a raspberry this week.

~.63 inches

.04 ounces

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