Wednesday, January 22, 2014

10 weeks

Update time! 

10 weeks

136 pounds

My appetite has been very small lately. Still, nothing sounds very good to eat. I can't do much meat. Fruits and veggies are where it's at for me. What else have I been eating lately?... Honey Bunches of Oats breakfast cereal, chocolate Malt O Meal, oatmeal, lettuce salads, jelly toast. My mind isn't working properly and I can't think of anything else. 

Cravings: coffee with creamer, Chinese food.

Last Friday we took Stella to my dad's to stay the night because Erik and I both had to work Saturday morning. I was craving Chinese food from the Mandarin so we got me some. I ate an entire entree and 4 crab rangoon. I was miserable and when we got home I threw most of it up. At least it was delicious while I was eating it. 

Then, Saturday, on our way to Perry to pick Stella up, I got hit with a terrible bout of car sickness. It was awful. I think it was caused by a mix of me being hungry and crocheting in the car. I suffered almost the whole ride there and was still sick for a bit after getting out of the car. 

The sensation of Stella nursing lately has been making my skin crawl. I've definitely been limiting her nursing time and frequency. Weaning her came to my mind in a moment of desperation the other day. I'd still like to let her quit on her own terms, and don't mind the idea of tandem nursing. I've heard from friends who've done it that it's a really great way for siblings to bond and it helped eliminate sibling rivalry and jealousy in the older child. I'm all for anything that will make the transition to being a big sister easier for Stella. I also know that there are many other ways for her bond and feel involved when baby arrives. If I were to decide to wean her, I think I'd wait for her birthday and use that along with it. I haven't put too much thought into it because it's not something that's a huge priority right now. 

I ordered a doppler last week and received it in the mail yesterday! I loved having one when I was pregnant with Stella. I almost didn't get one this time, but it provided so much peace of mind I gave in and ordered it. I found Stella in there at 9w4d, so I was sure I'd find baby Goose yesterday at 10 weeks. I tried and tried and tried and couldn't find the little sneak. I didn't let it worry me though. I was just disappointed. It's still pretty early. I'll probably try again daily until I find it. 

Next Tuesday I have an appointment with Sheryl. Erik is going to this one because we'll hopefully hear the heartbeat for sure. I asked him to go to this one when I wasn't planning on buying the doppler, so now I feel kind of bad he took the whole day off. I might just wait until after we hear it with Sheryl to try the doppler again. 

I'm still feeling like baby is a girl. I think the idea of another girl is just growing on me and I need to stop it. Baby could very well be a boy. 

Baby is the size of a prune this week.

~1.2 inches

.14 ounces

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