Wednesday, June 18, 2014

31 weeks

31 weeks

157 pounds

Belly is 39 inches around. I don't feel that big!!! 

Haven't been feeling so hot the last almost a week now. I've been battling a terrible cold that I think I'm just starting to get over. I feel like it shows in the picture :( I was miserably stuffy for 4 nights and a cough started 2 days in and that all just sucks. As long as I'm better before the weekend I'll be happy because we're going camping again! 

Despite the cold, I still feel pretty good during the day. Monday I walked 2 miles and yesterday we were outside at the park from 10 to 2. That was a fun time. Stella was so worn out that she fell asleep in the car and napped for 2 hours! It was nice for me at the time, but it made for a late night up and a cranky morning from her and I'm exhausted today.

Now that I can mostly breathe normally sleeping is very fine. I'm not waking up in the night tossing and turning yet. I'm staying comfortable for the most part.

Even though I've been up and moving around non stop, baby has been transverse the entire last week. It's been incredibly uncomfortable and is starting to make me nervous just a little bit. I know he still has plenty of time and I need to stop worrying. I just don't want him to get too comfortable and decide not to turn. If baby does end up breech I would have to deliver in the hospital and I do know that there is one doctor that will deliver a breech baby and I'd 100% rather do that than have a c-section. It would be a matter of him being on call that day though, I think. Oh well, I shouldn't even be thinking about it right now. 


Baby is the size of a pineapple. 

15.2 - 16.7 inches

2.5 - 3.8 pounds

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

30 weeks

30 weeks

156 pounds

Oh hello weight gain. I'd been wondering when you'd show up ;)

I still feel awesome. I'm staying active chasing Stella around, keeping up on house work, and going for walks at least 3 times a week. I wish we went every day, but it just doesn't always work out. Even though I'm still moving around, my body is weak. My arms are weak, my legs are weak, I'm sure my core is weak from not actually exercising. I hate it. Going up the stairs makes my legs burn sometimes. I tell myself I should just climb the stairs 10 times in a row a couple times a day and I'd be in shape in no time. I'm worried about my endurance for while I'm in labor. While I know I should have thought about this a long time ago and started something, I don't think 10 weeks to go is too late.

Sleep is still great. I'm still waking up on my back a lot. It's not uncomfortable (or impossible) yet. I suppose when it is I won't just automatically flip there in my sleep.

I went to the chiropractor yesterday and she did more work on me than she ever has at one time! I was super out of whack and I'd been feeling it. It has always been painful to lie on my back on a hard floor with my legs extended, but it started becoming painful for my sacrum to lie like that in bed. Lying on her special pregnant belly nest on the adjustment table even hurt my sacrum. She adjusted my pelvis two different ways and they both hurt, but felt so good. I've been sitting terribly, too. I've always sat with my left leg tucked up under my butt or just folded with my foot resting on the inside of my right thigh. It's comfortable, but I know it's terrible for my hips. I told her I'd been sitting like that a lot and she said she could definitely tell by the way my psoas muscle was tight on the left. She worked that out and it HURT! Baby is still primarily oblique/transverse with his head on my left side. She said my left round ligament has been consistently tight at every adjustment so we Webster techniqued that. I already feel better today. I'm so glad I'm going every other week now :) 

Baby has started getting his feet up under my ribs a little bit when I don't give him enough space. I'm still getting lots of movement from him. I felt hiccups again the other day! I'm still working on doing (most of) mSpinning Babies moves to encourage this kid to get in position. I'm not worried about him being breech, but I am worried that he'll be facing my side (instead of my back) again like Stella was. I don't want to experience back labor again! 


Baby is the size of a cucumber! (Stella's favorite veggie!)

15.2 - 16.7 inches

2.5 - 3.8 pounds

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Boy or Girl?!

Sunday we finally got to tell everyone the sex of baby goose! It was such a lovely party and so much fun! 


Everything looked amazing

Time to cut the cake! 


Here I am breaking the news to Stella that she's getting a baby brother. Her reaction, "Oh, but I wanted a sister!"
I can't really say if she's excited about it, but she says she's happy that she's getting a brother when we ask her.
Before we were even pregnant she was asking for a baby sister though. Maybe someday, baby bird.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

We went to the zoo!!

I had mentioned last week that Calvin wouldn't be here on Thursday and that I was certain Stella and I would just lay around the house all day. WRONG! I decided to take her to the zoo and it was a blast and a half! 

                                            Mama, we're here to the zoo!!                                               

Watching the seal show!                                                               The obligatory egg picture! 

Riding the train!                                                                                Making a new friend.

She loved the goats and llamas! 

This was easily the highlight of our day (my day, at least). Feeding this giraffe was SO cool. It's tongue was super long and purple and it felt just like a human tongue! It was amazing.

Riding the carousel for the first time! She loved it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

29 weeks

29 weeks

154 pounds

I'm still feeling pretty good, but I'm starting to wear out just a bit more lately. Maybe it's because the two nights before last I couldn't fall asleep and then didn't sleep worth a crap. I made sure to rest extra during the day after those nights. Last night we went to bed around 9:45 and I passed out. I still feel wiped out this morning though. It'll just be Stella and me tomorrow so I see lots of snuggle time and movies on our agenda. 

I had a prenatal appointment yesterday and that went well. Sheryl is very happy with how everything is progressing. My uterus is measuring right where it should be. She's happy with my weight gain. My blood pressure was a teeny bit higher than it has been before (130/76 .. it's usually closer to 100 or 110/70-ish), but Stella was being kind of a pain while we were there and I was trying to wrangle Calvin on my lap while I was on the exam table. It's still not too high of a reading and she didn't say anything about it. In regard to blood pressure, I've been feeling very normal. Looking back on Stella's pregnancy when I was actually having blood pressure problems I don't feel anything like I did with her. The way my body feels when my BP is high is very distinct. I'm glad to know what it feels like so I can watch for it. I highly doubt though, that I'll have problems again. I did my glucose tolerance test yesterday. I had forgotten how nasty that orange drink is. I got my blood drawn and Sheryl told me I wouldn't hear from her unless I didn't pass. After answering some gestational diabetes risk factor questions she said she's not expecting to be giving me a call.

Baby's still got plenty of swimming room in there. Movements are still all over the place. Very briefly last week it went head down after making me very uncomfortable with it being oblique or transverse. Baby had been jamming its head into my left hip and its butt out the top of the right side of my belly. Of course, it went right back into its comfy oblique position. Oh well, baby will get its head down and in position soon enough. I'm just glad it hasn't been head up at any time. 


Baby is the size of an acorn squash

15.2 to 16.7 inches 

2.5 to 3.8 pounds