Wednesday, April 30, 2014

24 week update

24 weeks (!!!)

148 pounds

Still sleeping great. 

I feel like I could eat everything in sight most days :) 

Erik got to SEE baby kicking last night! His reaction: "Eww, gross." I scolded him not to call his baby gross. So he changed his tone to, "Woah, creepy!" Baby movements seriously freak him out. I wish he'd get over it. I've noticed on more than one occasion that baby will 'play' with me. When I poke it, it pokes back! 

I still have quite a bit of energy. My lower back has started hurting toward the end of the day which sucks, but it could be much worse.

I've started noticing a few painless contractions here and there every few days.

(!!!) 24 weeks is actually a pretty big milestone week. In many hospitals, 24 weeks is the cutoff point for when doctors will use intensive medical intervention to attempt to save the life of a baby born prematurely. 

Here's a fun comparison.


Baby is the size of a cantaloupe this week.

10.5 to 11.8 inches

12.7 to 20.8 ounces

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

23 week update

23 weeks

148 pounds

Sleep is still great. I'm not looking forward to the nights I'm super uncomfortable all night long :( 

Baby must be having a growth spurt because I have been hungry! That explains the weight gain, too, I think. I'm having trouble coping with the quickly rising numbers on the scale. I feel like they're packing on since I barely gained anything in the beginning. ::i'mgrowingahumani'mgrowingahumani'mgrowingahuman::

I have noticed a consistent pattern of baby's active times. Goosie is very active in the afternoon and evening. I almost rarely feel any movement during the day unless I'm sitting down or resting (which doesn't happen often). 

Belly button is still in mid disappearing act. It's still there, though.

I feel like I've had a lot of energy during the day lately. I hope this continues for as long as possible! 

I feel like this pregnancy has been so uneventful (which is good!) it's hard to document it and have it be interesting :) 

Baby is the size of a grapefruit this week.

10.5 to 11.8 inches (head to feet)

12.7 to 20.8 ounces

Thursday, April 10, 2014

21 week update

21 weeks

145 pounds (+9 pounds)

Belly is 36 inches around 

I've been sleeping great. Staying up late either caught up to me or I'm just exhausted at the end of the day because I've been going to bed at 9:30 or 10 lately and waking up around 8.

I haven't had much of an appetite, but I've been eating like normal. 

Movement has picked up. I can definitely tell when baby is awake and asleep. I get 4-6 really active times throughout the day. 

The top belly button kind of starts to get flat toward the end of the day now. 

Yesterday was our anatomy scan. The tech said that baby looked wonderful. It has all its limbs, brains, heart valves, kidneys, a 3 vessel umbilical cord, a complete top lip, excellent blood flow around its bladder and stomach. I can't remember what else, but she said everything looked exceptional. It measured 6.5 inches from its head to bottom and weighed 14 ounces. So compared to the little snippets of information I put at the end of these, we have a larger than average babe.

Baby is the size of a pomegranate.

~10.5 inches (head to heel)

~12.7 ounces (that is the info from the website I use)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

20 week update

20 weeks

143 pounds 

My nipples are still insanely sensitive and nursing is still uncomfortable. I'm just waiting for that magical day when my milk comes back and my nipples don't feel like shit to nurse Lela. 

Still exhausted lately. I've been much more active with Stella since the weather has gotten nice, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. Since I've been so tired, I've been kind of bitchy even though I try so hard not to be. 

I don't have any new stretch marks yet. Hopefully, I won't get any. 

Sleeping is alright. Stella must be growing or something because she's been super restless in her sleep lately. She's been waking up whining and crying in the night. Sometimes she goes to sleep just holding my hand. Other times it takes her a little while. I hope she's not having nightmares :(

Movements are very regular. Baby is still pretty small for me to figure out what position it's in. I still get so excited when I feel it kick me :) 

I have a midwife appointment today in about an hour. She's going to schedule my anatomy scan for me! Erik doesn't want me to schedule it  until next Monday so he can have a 2 day weekend. He deserves it, but I don't want to wait until Monday!!!

Baby is the size of a banana this week.

~6.5 inches

10.2 ounces