165 pounds
I'm sure glad I didn't gain a bunch of weight in the beginning of this pregnancy because I'd be seriously screwed right now! I think what I'm adding now might just be water weight

I'm finally starting to notice my belly looking different from when I was pregnant with Stella in the last few weeks.
I'm starting to feel done. I'm not quite so full of energy anymore. I have plenty to do what I need to do, but not much extra.
I woke up no fewer than 6 times to pee last night. I think I woke up about every 2 or 3 hours. (Maybe my body's way of getting ready for feeding baby?)That sucked. With all the layers on our bed it's been pretty uncomfortable. I've been sleeping alright other than waking up to pee.
I'm still not having much swelling. If we're outside for too long when it's hot I notice it increase, but when I get back in air conditioning it goes down.
Baby is definitely getting more cramped. It's starting to become a bit painful when he changes positions and gets his butt up in my ribs. Last night we were sitting in bed and he got so squished up in there I was having a hard time taking a breath.
Thursday after I posted about baby dropping, I got curious. I decided to see if I could check my cervix myself. I was certain it would still be posterior and I wouldn't find it. Much to my surprise, it was right there plain as day. I felt and a finger definitely fit in. It was very short (maybe 1 cm deep) and soft. Then, I felt something solid! It was baby's head! Holy crap, there really is a baby in there and he really is going to come out! I don't know how many finger widths are how many centimeters, so I can't even begin to determine that. I'm dying to hear Sheryl's official thoughts on it today.
I've been having cramping here and there, off and on all weekend. It never gets regular and only happens once or twice throughout the day. I've definitely been trying to encourage this. I've sat on the birth ball a lot. I had to beg Erik to have sex with me Sunday night. Yesterday I was kind of nauseated all day. I was fed and hydrated, but I still just felt like I gagged whenever I ate or thought about food. I had some diarrhea in the morning

My appointment wasn't until 1 o'clock today! Why did I make it for so late?! It was a pretty uneventful appointment. Sheryl doesn't think I'll make it to 40 weeks. I don't either. I don't think I'll make it to 39. Last week she mentioned stripping my membranes this week, but she didn't mention it today and I didn't bring it up. That's alright. He'll be here soon enough.
- Blood pressure was good
- Baby is head down
- Dilation: 3
- Effacement: 80%
- Station: -2
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